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When someone does this sort of modeling, is this through just using the "add physics" tab in a game engine like Unity or actually computing the physics themselves and coding it? I guess I'm trying to see how involved this project was and if it is something that can be feasibly recreated.


Is each chair defined as a 3D set of points that upon collision with another object would trigger some change in motion? It seems that the amount of computation to do all this math/physics with so many chairs is crazy high.


I've noticed that in many simulations, large bunches of colliding objects tend to "jiggle" on top of one another as these chairs do. I assume this is because of the inherent challenges in computing normal forces between rigid bodies, but I would like to know more. Is there a name for this phenomenon? Where could I find literature on methods for avoiding it?


@lorinpoo fun fact it took 14 hours for the 1.6 billion "collisions" to be calculated.